I don’t have my own kids (yet?) but I have 2 adorable nieces and a sweel tiny nephew. I watch the little girls once a week, and the boy will be joining us soon as he grows up. Now, all we do during the one day we have together is play dress-up. Here’s why.
When I first decided I’ll play dress-up with the girls, I did expect them to get excited. But it never had occurred to me that this could become a weekly thing, and a favorite one! I thought they would get tired after 3-4 dress-up days at most, but this just isn’t what happened. Instead, they changed the way I looked at this game.
I, like every other fashionista, have a very large, yet a limited wardrobe. But the great thing about playing dress-up is how we manage to reimagine every single piece of garment.
Have you seen those DIY videos where an old shirt turns into a super trendy new dress without a single cut or stitch? Well, that’s nothing compared to what my little nieces’ imagination creates.
After 14 months of dress-up with only one week missed due to me getting cold and not wanting to expose my nices, I came to believe that big brand name designers with the most original ideas for their collections just play dress-up with kids for inspiration.
These tiny creatures create combinations that no adult would think of. Yet, those turn out incredibly beautiful!
I’ve now taught myself to think like a literal child. And now it turns out that my cheetah print leggings go perfectly with my rose gold top. This is something I would never dare try on before. I would be afraid it would look super cheap. But do you know how it actually looks? Bold, extravagant, and plain gorgeous. I just had to pick the right cheetah print with the top of the right fabric.
Today, I dare you to wake up your inner child and play dress-up. You won’t believe how it’s going to turn out.